Whitlock's Book Barn

Whitlock's Book Barn
20 Sperry Road
Bethany, CT 06524

Store Hours: Tuesday-Sunday 9-5
We buy books selectively in most subject categories by appointment.
Please call the store for more information.
phone: 203-393-1240
fax: 203-393-9745

Welcome to Whitlock's Book Barn

Selling used and rare books since 1948, Whitlock's Book Barn is located justminutes from downtown New Haven and Yale University. The store operates from two weatherbeaten barns sitting amid a scenic pasture.

For decades, buyers and sellers of used books, old maps, and ephemera havecome to Whitlock's looking for intellectual adventure. With these pages, thestore now offers a selection of items online, making it possible for thoseunable to visit to take advantage of the store's unusual finds and bargains.


Anonymous said...

Whitlocks used to be a great bookshop, and still might be, but the books they had would be almost impossible to find now.
Richard Adamiak Ph.D. ABAA Emeritus

Anonymous said...

What?.. They used to be, and still might be, but yadda yadda.

So... You really have no idea what you're talking about. Cool story.

Make sure to let everyone know your wonderful educational achievements on a random, anonymous post, Dick.